말의 측대보 영어로
- rack
- 말의: of horses; horsy; verbose; lingual; verbal;
- 측대보: rack; amble
- 측대보로 걷다: amble
- 측대보로 걷는 말: straggler; pacer; ambler; personal stereo; walkman
- 측대보로 달리다: rack
- 말이 측대보로 달리다: rack
- 말이 0측대보로 느리게 구보하다: rack
- 측대보로 느리게 구보하다: rack
- 말의: of horses; horsy; verbose; lingual; verbal; equine; longiloquent; wordy
- 대보다: 대보다 [비교하다] compare ; measure; balance; make a comparison ; [대조하다] contrast. …과 대보면 in comparison / as compared . 번역을 원문과 ~ compare a translation with the original. 길고 짧은 것은 대보아야 안다 You can't always
- 대보름: 대보름(날) [大-] the 15th of January by the lunar calendar.▷ 대보름달 the year's first full moon.
- 침대보: bedspread; coverlet; blanket; quilt; coverlid; bedcover; counterpane
- 측대볼로 걷다: pace
- 역대보안: Rekidai Hōan
- 연대보증: 연대 보증 [連帶保證] joint and several liability on guarantee. ~을 서다 stand[go] joint and several surety / hold joint and several liability / be jointly and severally liable .▷ 연대 보증인 a surety jointly and s